Women Empowerment

Around 50% of the population in this world are female. The majority of the women around the world are unemployed that is the reason why our world is suffering economically a lot. Women are equally capable as men even women are ahead of men in many sectors. Women are considered the backbone of our society such as caring mothers, doting daughters, and other roles are played by women in our nation.

Guru Nanak Charitable Society launched its women empowerment program in Punjab in collaboration with various ngo’s. Guru Nanak Charitable Society promotes women empowerment which helps to create an environment for women in which they can make decisions of their own as well as for society.

In this modern era, women are prepared to handle any challenge that comes in their way with skills, confidence, and grace.

Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process.

Guru Nanak Charitable Society helps poor young women to become independent by joining a 3-month course on Cutting & Tailoring. Moreover, we help to improve the social, economic, political, and legal strength of women, to provide equal- rights to women, and make them confident in this male dominant society.

More and more women are joining the national development process and making our country proud with their magnificent performances in almost every sector including finance, medical sciences, engineering, and so on.

Guru Nanak Charitable society helps women to become financially independent and also helps women to earn for their family which grows the country’s economy.

Following the principles laid down by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, we endeavor for all-inclusive service to humankind. Our NGO helps downtrodden sections of the society in all their needs